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Problem with tree(s)
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Click on the area on the diagram here to learn more about common problems that we see in trees. Your results will have pictures.
Leaf diseases like the ones shown below are serious problems that spread throughout a tree very quickly. Other more obvious problems like chewing on the leaves can also be very damaging to a tree. In the case of some pests complete defoiliation can occur in a very prompt manner.
The professionals at Arbor Doctor are able to consult with you and diagnose these problems. Come up with a solution that fits the unique situation of your property. And put that plan into action to make sure your trees stay healthy. Fill out the form above to have a consultant out today.
Above are pictures of chlorosis, leaf spot, powdery mildew, anthracnose, and scale. These are some of the many problems you will find in trees. Remember that it is easier to fix the problem when it first appears then to wait until the problem is taking over. Don't hesitate on the health of your valuable assets