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Common Name: Bur Oak
Scientific name: Quercus macrocarpa
Leaves: 3-6" long, 2-5" Broad, Variable in shape, lobed margins
Bark: Medium gray color and rugged texture
Height: 100" max
Spread: 50-70'
General info: Large deciduous tree native to North America and can live up to 400 years. Trunk can grow to sizes exceeding 10' in diameter. This tree is often confused with white oak as it is very similar in many ways. Long taproot makes this tree very drought resistant.
Common Name: Cottonwood
Scientific name: Populus deltoides
Leaves: Large deltiod shaped, 1.5-4" long, 1.5-4" broad, serrated
Bark: Smooth silvery white when small, dark gray and deeply fissured on old trees
Height: 60'-130' tall at max
Spread: 40-80'
General info: A native tree to the United states. This fast growing, water loving tree can grow to extreme sizes at maturity. With trunk diameters often over 8' in diameter and often multi-trunked. This species is well know to make a mess with its excessive cottony seed drop.
Common Name: Pin Oak
Scientific name: Quercus palustris
Leaves: 2-6" long, 2-4.5" Broad. With 5-7 lobes, each lobe having 5-7 teeth
Bark: Rough dark gray bark at maturity
Height: 60-70' max
Spread: 40'
General info: Pin oaks are a generally short lived oak tree only living to 120 years. Unlike other oaks this tree does not have a strong taproot and is commonly a wetland tree. Residentially, this tree is very tolerant of transplant, grows fast and has great pollution tolerance.
Pests and diseases: Iron chlorosis is often the worst issue when planted residentially.
Common Name: Red Oak
Scientific name: Quercus rubra
Leaves: Alternate, 7-9 lobed, oblong ovate to oblong. 5-10" long 4-6" broad
Bark: Dark reddish gray brown, broad thin rounded ridges, scaly.
Height: 90-140' max.
Spread: 50'
General info: These trees are know to exceptionally fast growing trees in optimal conditions. Can grow to the age of 500 years old. Grow upright and trunk does not exceed 3' in diameter often. Normally found near water sources and are often found in forests of similar species.
Common Name: Swamp Oak
Scientific name: Quercus bicolor
Leaves: Broad oviod 4.5-7" long, 3-4" broad, Shallow lobed, 5-7 lobes on each side
Bark: Texture similar to white oak, less rugged, gray brown bark
Height: 60-80' max.
Spread: 30-40'
General info: Not a common tree of Minnesota but is being introduced as there are many threats to other oak trees. These trees are great at adapting to different climates and soil textures. A fairly fast growing medium sized shade tree.
Common Name: White Oak
Scientific name: Quercus alba
Leaves: 5-8.5" long, 2.5-4.5" broad, Lobed and ovalite leaves.
Bark: Light to dark gray in color, shallow fissured and scaly.
Height: 80-100' max.
Spread: 60-100'
General info: White oaks are one of the oldest trees in Minnesota. They are known to live up to 450 year of age in the wild. This slow growing tree often grows in forests with similar trees. Tree doesn't produce acorns until 50 years of age. Often sought after for its beautiful wood which is used in a variety of different woodworking projects.